University Academy
Charter High School

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The next UACHS Board of Trustees Public Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday April 9, 2025 @ 5:30PM in the school multi-purpose room...

Parent/Student/Teacher Compact and Honor Code

Dear UACHS parents,

Last week we distributed the 2021-2022 UACHS Student Handbook to all students. (A shipping delay prevented us from giving them out earlier in the school year.) 

We ask that you review the handbook with your student, particularly the Parent/Student/Teacher Compact and Honor Code. Once you have done so, please sign the consent form on page 8 and have your student return it to their homeroom teacher no later than Friday, October 29.

We especially request your support in helping us to keep the school a PHONE-FREE space by:

  • making sure that your student brings their Yondr pouch to school every day and takes proper care of it;
  • speaking with your student about the importance of following the school policy on student cell phones; 
  • calling the school’s main number (201-200-3200) if you need to speak to your student during the school day.

All students must lock up their phone in their pouch when they arrive at school. It will be unlocked if they go out for lunch, but must be locked up again when they return to the building. Any student found with a phone that is not locked in a Yondr pouch during the school day will face consequences according to the school’s disciplinary policy. Lost or damaged Yondr pouches will result in a $25 replacement fee.

We encourage you to watch the following video that explains why the Yondr pouch system is so important to your child’s success at UACHS. Keeping phones locked away during the school day enables students to focus, participate, and learn more in their classes. 

Yondr in Schools - Parents and Staff