University Academy
Charter High School

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The next UACHS Board of Trustees Public Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday December 11, 2024 @ 5:30PM in the school multi-purpose room...

Buying Uniforms on site on 8/6/18 and 8/8/18


Dear new FRESHMEN Parents and Guardians,


Another school year is fast approaching, and University Academy Charter High School would like to invite you to a communication/ orientation session on Wednesday, August 8, 2018 at 9am, 10am, 11am, or 12pm. You can choose which time you would like to come to hear about some important information for the upcoming school year.


The uniform company will also be here in between 9:00am-2:00pm so that you may purchase uniforms. If you do not purchase uniforms at this time, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PURCHASE THEM AT THE SCHOOL. You will have to purchase through the uniform company website:


Reminder: Neither T-shirts nor hoodies are allowed to be worn as UACHS uniform. Also, remember that no passes will be accepted to excuse students from wearing uniform unless a doctor’s note to do so is reviewed by UACHS. If students do not have a uniform, a student can rent a uniform for $2.00, which will be charged to their Lunch/ Book account to be paid later. Otherwise they may face In School Suspension or being sent home.


Other topics to be included will be:

  • School Start Time– 8:00am (if students enter their classroom after the 8am, they will be marked late. 3 lates equal 1 absence and 5 absences equal an F for the quarter while 20 equal an F for the school year.
  • School Breakfast– If a student would like to eat breakfast, our kitchen closes at 7:55am (this is to give students enough time to get to class without being late.)
  • Communication– Please use uachs.powerschool.comto check your child’s progress. Download the “University Academy Charter High School” app on your phone and our new “SANGHA” app. Use www.uachs.orgto check our school’s calendar of events.
  • Join our PTO/ Friends of UACHS- Help plan and organize fundraisers to benefit our students. (We meet one Saturday per month at 11am)
  • UPDATE INFORMATION– Please make sure the school has your CELL PHONE and EMAIL!



We hope to see you there. Thanks!




Your UACHS Family