School Closure & Remote Learning Update
Dear UACHS Community,
I hope this letter finds you all safe and out of harm’s way. Today, the school restart committee met to discuss the progress made in preparing the school for a safe re-opening. We have made huge strides in meeting all the requirements and recommendations necessary for the implementation of our “hybrid” in-person learning model and we are down to our last and most important item, finishing our HVAC system repairs. We met with the New Jersey City University facilities department and the 2 contractors working on our heating, cooling, and ventilation systems and they have expressed that all work will be completed by the end of October. Consequently, the in-person hybrid schedule start date has been moved/postponed to Monday, November 16, 2020 to coincide with the start of the 2nd cycle/marking period. Please feel free to contact me via email at [email protected] if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or need help with any remote learning issues you may be experiencing. Please rest assured that our number one priority is health, safety, and security of the entire UACHS community.
Yours in education,
Mr. Erie Lugo, Jr.
Lead Person