UA College Fair on 9/27 @ 6pm for juniors and seniors and a Free Networking event for Students on 9/27 @5pm for freshmen and sophomores College Fair for upperclassmen in the MPR and a Networking event at 201 Montgomery Ave. for underclassmen
School Cafeteria Breakfast & Lunch Menus Available Online All menus are now available online and there will not be a wait for the school to upload copies of the menus.
2018-19 School Lunch Program Application Available NOW!!! Please complete and return the 2018-19 School Lunch Applications ASAP. The will be mailed home, distributed to students, and are available by CLICKING HERE
SAVE THE DATE - UA Fundraiser @ Applebee's Contact the school for $10 tickets for an Applebee's breakfast on 10/6 from 8am-10am
Buying Uniforms on site on 8/6/18 and 8/8/18 Uniforms will be available on these two days between 9am-2pm
2018 UACHS Summer Reading Assignments All incoming and returning UACHS students have summer reading assignments they must complete over the summer. Please click below or on the headline above to obtain the assignments for each grade.
Free Jersey City Summer School Program The Jersey City Public School District has revised their summer school policy for this year due to the late notice and UACHS students may now attend summer school for FREE! Guidance counselors will be distributing the pre-filled and signed applications that must be returned on June 12th (4-7PM), 14th (4-7PM), or 25th (3-6PM) to the JCBOE at 346 Claremont Ave (Room 1R). Please see the attached file for additional requirements.
Sophomores & Juniors: Sign Up for Computer Science and Professional Writing and Presentation UACHS will offer two electives open to juniors and seniors next year that will be enormously beneficial to students in terms of preparing for college and careers: AP Computer Science Principles and Professional Writing and Presentation. Apply today!
Mentorship Workshop, 6/2/18 - Passport to Success County Prep High School (525 Montgomery Street Jersey City, NJ 07302)