Señora Castro
Español I
Email: [email protected]
Course Description: Students will be presented with comprehensible and stimulating lessons that will incorporate all learning styles. The objective is to incorporate a variety of resources to accommodate students through visual, audio, tactile and kinesthetic methods. In the acquisition of the Spanish language, literature, writer’s workshop, phonics activities, technology and vocabulary will be integrated. As a Spanish teacher I will Foster and maintain an open supportive learning classroom environment where students feel safe, secure, especial and properly challenged.
All parents are encouraged to log into Power School to observe and monitor your child’s progress in the class daily, to see what work has been assigned and to observe attendance. Please contact the school (201) 200-3200 for your login password. Students need to be present in school every day, bring Chrome Book (laptop, charger) binder, pen, pencil and a folder.
Grade Policy:
Test: 30%
Classwork: 25%
Participation: 30%
Quizzes/Projects: 15%
Quizzes and test will be given periodically
Homework: If a student does not complete the classwork do to absence or entering the class late, the classwork needs to be completed as homework on the same day. Homework will be accepted late only when student is absent from class.
Classwork: Includes all classroom activities
Useful Websites: